Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Momming Shortcuts

Every Mom needs a few shortcuts in her life. Here's a list of my top 10!

  1. Wildtree my dear friend, Alissa introduced me to Wildtree last January and it has helped my meal planning a ton! Freezer meal workshops, healthy, fast dinners with pizza and taco seasonings and our all-time favorite, Wildtree Pancakes have revolutionized our family's meals.
  2. Honest Company is the easiest way to shop for kitchen, bath and baby items. My daughter likes the bubble bath and I love that it's delivered to our front door monthly. Honest Company is safe, paraben free and smells fantastic.
  3. IF:Equip sends Bible verses and a great youtube video explaining the message each day during the week. This email reminds me to pause during busy days, to learn more about the Bible and pray. It's been a helpful addition to my day.
  4. I Can Teach My Child is my go-to link for crafts, product reviews and teaching our daughter math and how to read. I'll go in to this further in a future post!
  5. Plan to Eat - Meal Planner is the fastest way to make a grocery list. If I don't have enough Wildtree freezer meals in the freezer, I certainly have used Plan to Eat. It lets you drag and drop your favorite recipes in to a planner and it automatically makes your grocery list by store section. It's super affordable and easy to set up. You can add friends and share recipes too!
  6. Living Well Spending Less Blog has great cleaning ideas, budgeting worksheets and gift ideas as well as practical ways to save money. 
  7. 100 Days of Real Food offers easy and delicious real food recipes and tips on keeping your family healthy through eating a balanced diet. 
  8. Another Mother Runner is my favorite running blog. There are music play lists, inspiring stories and training tips all over this site. You can also listen to hilarious pod casts on your long runs to keep you motivated.
  9. Money Saving Mom is an excellent money saving and frugal spending blog. I've gotten great ideas from her and some of the free ebooks she links to have been really helpful.
  10. Etsy as I am not a crafty Mom, but I have crafty ideas, I can usually find what I'm looking for on Etsy including birthday cake toppers, darling hats and Christmas presents. 
I hope you've clicked on a few links and like my suggestions! Please feel free to comment below if you have any Momming Shortcut sites you use!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

New Blog!

Hello! Welcome to my brand, spankin' new blog! I've been mulling writing a blog for the last few months. Even if it has no readers, maybe someday, my daughter will like to read it! If some friends happen to join in, the more the merrier!

I'm a type A Mom, I'm trying to work, workout, cook, clean, fit in some fun and breathe once in a while too! I love lists, so my plan for this blog is to write in a list format with links to other blogs, resources or products I love. Please join me in my blogging journey!